Friday, October 30, 2009

Cutie Mc Cutie Pants

I have always loved the little mermaid.....But my love for this cute little mermaid multiplied times one trillion last night when my sister sent me the latest picture of little Amory in her Halloween costume:
Who knew that a little red wig and mermaid costume could make this little baby so darn happy?
Oh and P.S. this is especially cute becasue pretty much the whole time Kristen was pregnant with Amory she referred to her as a "mermaid" becasue of how she moved around and the fact that she was just chillin in a bunch of water 24/7.

So, as if the one above was not enough - I have 2 other cute Amory picture updates below:
And its official - I think Amory needs a little cousin friend.
(okay it isn't really "official"...but who wouldn't want a little baby after seeing these pics?)


Erin said...

she is so precious! seriously you should have a baby! they are the best thing ever!!!!

mommywonderland said...

Just over here blog stocking you! That little girl makes me want yet one more!!! Anywho nice to meet ya!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Baby fever is catching! And I'm dying over that little Ariel. SO cute!

Anonymous said...

oh my God! i can't wait to make my contribution to the O'Connor's beautiful grandchildren!!